Top 16 Amasty extensions for Magento 2 in 2024 - Part 2
21 April, 2023 by
Tanseer Ahmed

Let's slide into the part -2 of the top 16 Amasty extensions for Magento 2 in 2024 if you have not checked on the part 1 of this article then you have to before getting into this! 

The One-Step Checkout

  • The One Step Checkout extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that streamlines the checkout process, making it faster and more convenient for customers to complete their purchases. With the One Step Checkout extension, customers can complete the entire checkout process on a single page, which can help to reduce cart abandonment rates and improve the overall customer experience.
  • The One Step Checkout extension provides a range of customization options, including the ability to add or remove fields from the checkout page, adjust the layout and design, and offer a range of payment and shipping options. The extension is also mobile-friendly, ensuring that customers can easily complete their purchases on any device
  • Merchants can also track and analyze checkout data using the built-in reporting tools, which provide insights into cart abandonment rates, checkout completion rates, and other key metrics. The One Step Checkout extension integrates with a range of payment and shipping providers, making it easy for merchants to offer a variety of payment and shipping options to customers.

Check this extension: One-Step Checkout

Admin Actions log

  • The Admin Actions Log extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that provides merchants with a detailed log of all actions performed by administrators in the Magento 2 admin panel. With the Admin Actions Log extension, merchants can track changes made to the store settings, products, orders, customers, and more, and monitor the activity of their administrative users.
  • The Admin Actions Log extension provides a detailed log of all actions performed by administrators, including the time and date of the action, the user who performed the action, and the action itself. Merchants can filter the log by user, date range, and action type, and export the log to CSV or Excel formats for further analysis
  • The Admin Actions Log extension also includes advanced features such as real-time alerts for critical actions, such as changes to payment settings or user roles, and the ability to block or restrict specific actions or users. The extension can help merchants to improve the security and accountability of their Magento 2 store and ensure that administrative users are acting within the guidelines and policies of the store.

Check this extension: Admin actions log

Customer Group Catalog 

  • The Customer Group Catalog extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to create custom catalogs for different customer groups. With the Customer Group Catalog extension, merchants can offer personalized product catalogs to specific customer groups, which can help to improve the overall customer experience and increase sales.
  • The Customer Group Catalog extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to assign specific products and categories to different customer groups, set up custom prices and discounts, and create personalized promotions and marketing campaigns. Merchants can also restrict access to certain products and categories for specific customer groups, ensuring that only the intended customers can view and purchase those products.
  • The Customer Group Catalog extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to assign specific products and categories to different customer groups, set up custom prices and discounts, and create personalized promotions and marketing campaigns. Merchants can also restrict access to certain products and categories for specific customer groups, ensuring that only the intended customers can view and purchase those products.

Check this extension: Customer Group Catalog 

Product Labels 

  • The Product Labels extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to create and display custom labels for products in their stores. With the Product Labels extension, merchants can highlight new or featured products, offer discounts and promotions, and display other important information to customers.
  • The Product Labels extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to create custom labels using a variety of shapes, colors, and fonts. Merchants can also assign labels to specific products, categories, or customer groups, and set up rules to automate the labeling process. For example, merchants can automatically label products that are on sale, or label products that have a low inventory.
  • Customers can easily view the labels on product pages, category pages, and in search results, helping them to quickly identify important information and make informed purchasing decisions. The Product Labels extension also integrates with other Amasty extensions, such as the Automatic Related Products extension, allowing merchants to use labels as part of their marketing and sales strategies.

Check this extension: Product Labels

Advanced Permissions

  • The Advanced Permissions extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to manage user roles and permissions in their store more effectively. With the Advanced Permissions extension, merchants can set up custom roles and permissions for each user, ensuring that they have access to only the necessary areas of the store.
  • The Advanced Permissions extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to create custom roles and permissions based on specific actions or attributes, such as managing orders, editing products, or accessing certain categories. Merchants can also set up restrictions based on IP addresses, time periods, and other factors.
  • The Advanced Permissions extension also includes a range of reporting and auditing tools, allowing merchants to track user activity and monitor any changes made to roles and permissions. The extension also integrates with other Amasty extensions, such as the Admin Actions Log extension, providing merchants with a complete view of user activity in their store.

Check this extension: Advanced Permission 

Advanced Product Reviews

  • The Advanced Product Reviews extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to collect and display product reviews more effectively. With the Advanced Product Reviews extension, merchants can increase customer engagement, improve the overall shopping experience, and drive more sales by showcasing authentic product reviews and ratings.
  • The Advanced Product Reviews extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to add custom review fields, allow customers to upload images and videos, and enable customers to rate products based on specific attributes. The extension also includes advanced moderation tools, allowing merchants to approve, edit, or delete reviews before they are displayed on the site.
  • Customers can easily leave product reviews and ratings using a simple and intuitive interface, and the reviews are displayed prominently on product pages, category pages, and in search results. Merchants can also use the reviews and ratings as part of their marketing and sales strategies, by displaying them in promotional emails and on social media.

Check this extension: Advanced Product Reviews 

Infinite Scroll

  • The Infinite Scroll extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to improve the browsing experience on their site by enabling infinite scrolling on category pages. With the Infinite Scroll extension, customers can browse through product listings without having to click through to additional pages, improving the overall user experience and reducing bounce rates
  • The Infinite Scroll extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to set the number of products displayed per page, configure the loading animation, and choose whether or not to display the toolbar. Merchants can also enable or disable infinite scrolling on specific pages or categories, and set up custom pagination rules for certain customer groups or devices
  • The Infinite Scroll extension also includes advanced caching and preloading mechanisms, ensuring that pages load quickly and efficiently, even as customers scroll through large product listings. The extension also integrates with other Amasty extensions, such as the Elastic Search extension, allowing merchants to provide customers with a fast and seamless browsing experience

Check this extension: Infinite Scroll Extension

Improved Layered Navigation

  • The Improved Layered Navigation extension by Amasty is a Magento 2 module that allows merchants to enhance the navigation experience for customers on their site. With the Improved Layered Navigation extension, customers can easily filter and refine their search results by using multiple attribute filters, improving the overall user experience and reducing bounce rates.
  • The Improved Layered Navigation extension provides merchants with a range of customization options, including the ability to display filters as checkboxes, sliders, or dropdown menus. Merchants can also configure custom price ranges, enable AJAX loading, and add custom labels to filter options. The extension also includes advanced caching and preloading mechanisms, ensuring that pages load quickly and efficiently, even with large product listings.
  • Customers can easily filter and refine their search results by using multiple attribute filters, such as color, size, brand, and more. The Improved Layered Navigation extension also includes an easy-to-use search bar, allowing customers to quickly find specific products or attributes. The extension also integrates with other Amasty extensions, such as the Elastic Search extension, allowing merchants to provide customers with a fast and seamless browsing experience.

Check this extension: Improved Layered Navigation

The Bottom Line

So these are the list of the top 16 Amasty extensions that are used on the Magento ecommerce stores by many top organizations, ecommerce consulting companies, IT consulting agencies, consulting experts, consulting it services, consulting service providers, and so on.

Tanseer Ahmed 21 April, 2023
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